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Github Followers

Github Followers

After hearing Sean Allen talk about his take home project course, which teaches iOS development by building an app called Github Followers, I was inspired to build my own version of the Github Followers app.

  • Search for followers by user
  • Filter search results
  • View user profiles
  • Save user searches
iOS Technologies
  • Auto-layout
  • Diffable Datasource
  • Programmatic UI
  • UIKit
  • Swift 5.2
  • NSCache
Web Technologies
  • REST
  • JSON
  • Github
Search Screen Followers Screen
Math Flash Cards

Math Flash Cards

I scowered the App Store for an app that would help me memorize my multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction tables, and I was unable to find an app that fit my needs. So I decided to create my own.

  • Shuffle Decks
  • Reorder Decks
  • Select multiple card decks
  • Toggle test and review modes
iOS Technologies
  • Swift 5.2
  • Programmatic UI
  • UIKit
  • Auto-layout
  • Github
Search Screen Followers Screen
Ray Wenderlic

Ray Wenderlic App

When offered an oppurtunity to build a take home project and get a free code free from an experienced iOS Developer, I jumped at the chance. You view the code and the code review converstion for each of my pull request here: Pull Request 11 Pull Request 12

  • Filter for articles and videos
  • View course details
iOS Technologies
  • Swift 5.2
  • Storyboards
  • UIKit
  • Auto-layout
Web Technologies
  • REST
  • JSON
Ray Wenderlic library Ray Wenderlic Details

About Me

Robert Ramirez profile image
IT/Software Engineer

Robert Ramirez

B.S Computer Science, Park University

I have worked in the Information Technology (IT) industry for over 10 years covering a wide range of responsibilities from Technical Support Specialist, Instructor, IT Technician, to Software Engineer.

Through out my IT career programming has alway played a significant role in my work. I have used programming to automate task, streamline workflows, and enhance the user experience for users.

Career Highlights

Contact Me

Thank you for your interest. I look forward to hearing from you.
You can contact me at robertramirez.hire[at] or on the following social media sites